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“Education, for most people, means trying to lead the child to resemble the typical aldult of his society ...
But for me, education means making creators ...
You have to make inventors, innovators, not conformists”

Education is a strong way to provide people with knowledge, skills and the latest insights on any sport related topic, as well as support them in their personal journey and development.


TEAMVanWESTEROP is connected to various Institutes in the Netherlands and Switzerland where Sport Management is educated to international students. Based on our background in elite sports and international corporate career, as well as in the role of an entrepeneur for almost 9 years, we provide lecturers on topics like personal development, team dynamics, coaching, and consultancy, communication and presentation skills.


Lecturer at International Academy of Sport Science and Technology (AISTS)

​As an academy AISTS mission is to provide high quality education and prepare specialists to satisfy their needs and expectation of the sports industry.

The Master of Advanced Studies in Sport Administration and Technology (MSA) at International Academy of Sport Science and Technology (AISTS) is part of École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Lausanne.

Subjects ; Personal Insight & Development, Personal Performance, Team Dynamics and Consultancy Skills.


Founder and Executive Member of International Sport Management Academy (ISMA)

​ISMA is a knowledge center by and for managers, entrepreneurs and directors of sports-related companies, organizations and associations. From the location of ISMA partner De Baak in Noordwijk aan Zee, in collaboration with Maastricht School of Management and International Business Development Academy, the institute offers a wide range of (academic) short term programs and master classes on sports related subjects.

  • 1 day masterclasses on topics e.g. Sports & Politics, the Impact of Technology on Sports

  • 3 day modules focussing on related sport topics e.g. Marketing, Sponsoring, Events & Communication

  • 10 day accredited Executive program Sports Management, 3 modules and a final​


​​Professor at the Johan Cruyff Institute 

Educating the next generation of Leaders in Sport Management

Subjects ; Personal Development, Coaching, Personal Performance, Energy Management, Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Networking, Human Resource Management & Organisational Development.


Cruyff institute
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